Latest news about the website

Enhanced Resource Interaction: Introducing the 'Cited in...' Feature

Submitted by Admin3649 on

New feature on Now, when a resource referenced on the site is cited in other referenced resources, the list of these resources is accessible via the "Cited in..." tab. One more step in the interaction between resources!
Feel free to contact us via the contact form or the Discord server if you would like to suggest the integration of other features! (FR) becomes (FR & ENG)

Submitted by Admin3649 on

The project of the website began with the intention of amplifying in the Francophone world what is said and written internationally about autism by and with autistic people.

We realized that these echoes were not enough; bridges needed to be built. It was also necessary to allow English-speaking autistic people to directly use this platform to reference their resources and publish articles (which will be translated into French by volunteers)!

This is how was born, a name that creatively plays with the words "autistics," "autodidacts," and "acts."

New feature: Interactive bibliographies!

Submitted by Admin3649 on

From now on, if a referenced resource on the site contains a bibliography, it will be integrated (see the "Bibliography" tab) and made interactive:

(1) In the bibliographies, references that are also resources referenced on the site are displayed in blue, and a link allows you to access more information, such as the translated summary, etc.;

(2) Authors listed in the bibliographies who have also published other resources referenced on the site are shown in red. Clicking on the name allows you to see the list of resources they have published and shared on the site;

(3) Authors whose name is followed by an asterisk have publicly disclosed being autistic.

The bibliographies of resources already encoded on the site will be added gradually (in reverse chronological order of the publication date).