More about the project

"Autistics First"

As mentioned on the homepage, the "" website is dedicated to monitoring and disseminating information about autism. It aims to make more visible a multitude of resources—articles, testimonials, books, podcasts, and more—published by individuals on the autism spectrum or by non-autistic individuals in response to expectations expressed by autistic people. Idealistic but determined, we are convinced that autistic people can help non-autistic people better understand autism and, in turn, promote the inclusion of non-autistic people into their worlds, fostering better mutual acceptance.

In line with the recent neurodiversity paradigm, we believe that to better understand autistic people, it is crucial to listen to and value the voices of those who have direct experience. Our site aims to be an inclusive and respectful platform where the diversity of perspectives on the autism spectrum is highlighted.

Making voices that have been marginalized in the mass of external productions (disconnected from autistic people) more visible might lead to the assumption that they are more valuable than the voices of non-autistic people. Of course, this is not the case. To counter this, it is essential to integrate a diversity of opinions and debates within the site's internal workings. Therefore, this is not a "promotional" site (in the sense that people on the spectrum would be placed on a pedestal because of their autism, without having to debate the relevance of their views and cultural/scientific/ethical/testimonial productions).

The more autistic people who participate, the richer this project will become, making visible the complexity of views on autism from the inside, in order to produce echoes at the political, cultural, and scientific levels.


All participants in the site's activities are volunteers, dedicating their time and expertise out of passion and commitment to the cause. We are determined to ensure that access to the site remains open and free.

The person behind the website's design prefers to remain discreet about their identity to avoid any potential advertising bias. However, they can be contacted privately regarding this matter via the contact form.

Get Involved:

We encourage active participation! Whether you want to share comments, propose content, your contribution is essential to enriching the site. To publish articles or reference resources, simply request a user account. We would like to clarify that self-promotion and service promotion are strictly prohibited to maintain the integrity and quality of our content.

Stay Connected:

You can subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified of new resources referenced on the site.

You can also subscribe to the newsletter to receive the latest updates by email and stay informed of new publications.

Contact Us:

For any questions, suggestions, or collaborations, feel free to contact us via our contact page. We are always open to new ideas to improve the site and meet the needs of the community.

Together, let's create a valuable, educational, and supportive resource for all those interested in autism. Join us in this mission to broaden perspectives and promote an inclusive and enriching dialogue on autism.

Site Powered by Drupal:

The site runs on the Drupal CMS, installed on a private server hosted in Europe. Matomo (self-hosted) tracks the audience while respecting the privacy of site visitors (in compliance with GDPR and DNT).