Autism Research: Nothing About Me Without Me

Added on 20/06/2024

Type de contenu

Video of the type Theoretical development ( ; english)

Wenn Lawson* , Autism Research: Nothing About Me Without Me published on the website "Autist Research Institute", 60 minutes

*The author is autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

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0:00 – World Autism Organization Introduction
3:25 – ARI Introduction
5:10 – Australian Autism Cooperative Research Center (CRC)
6:08 – Nothing about us without us
7:01 – Traditional methodology
9:02 – Participatory methodology
10:20 – Co-researching together
11:30 – Informative video: What is co-production?
14:44 – What Co-production isn’t
16:20 – Partnerships
18:05 – CRC co-production studies
21:31 – Process of autistic and non-autistic researchers coming together
25:15 – Who are autistic researchers?
26:56 – Communication
30:23 – Questions for researchers and institutions
32:11 – Informative video: Participatory vs. Co-production
35:03 – How to make co-produced researcher
37:20 – Remaining questions and classical hierarchies
40:10 – Q & A

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