About the mention "author is autistic"

In the context of referencing resources related to autism on the website Autidacts.org, it is important to make it concrete and visible that more and more autistic people are actively participating, with other autistic or non-autistic people, in the creation of various resources (scientific, cultural, artistic, etc.).

This visibility is materialized by the presence of an asterisk next to the name of the author of a referenced resource on the website. Consequently, the asterisk will also appear in the bibliography of another resource if this autistic author is cited.

This asterisk is added if and only if the person has either:

  • Explicitly mentioned publicly that they are autistic, either in writing (for example, on a Twitter account, blog/website) or orally (for example, during an interview or a video on a platform like YouTube);
  • Explicitly given their permission to the website administrators.

Any person whose name is mentioned on the site can request the addition or removal of the mention "author is autistic" via the contact page.