My time with Autism Speaks

Added on 10/10/2024

Type de contenu

Book chapter of the type Testimony ( ; english)

My time with Autism Speaks , published in: Autistic community and the neurodiversity movement: Stories from the frontline 12 pages , doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-8437-0_16

*The author has publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

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 In this chapter John Elder Robison describes his mid-life autism diagnosis, and how that inspired his public autism advocacy. He began by writing Look Me in the Eye, a popular memoir of life on the autism spectrum. That led to his being invited to advise scientists, which in turn led him to engage with the research charity Autism Speaks in an attempt to change what he regarded as toxic and non-productive views of autism. Robison abandoned those efforts in 2013 but continues writing and teaching about autism and the emergent neurodiversity. He also remains involved in advising government agencies on autism policy. In this chapter he reflects on his decision to resign from advising Autism Speaks and the aftermath.

For your information:

(1) References in blue are resources listed on our site;

(2) Authors listed in this bibliography whose names are in color have published other resources referenced on the site. Clicking on the name allows you to see the list of resources they have published and shared on the site;

(3) Authors whose names are followed by an asterisk have publicly disclosed being autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

  • Autism Speaks (2009). "I am autism." (Source)

  • T. Attwood (1997). "Asperger syndrome: A guide for parents and professionals." Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

  • T. Grandin, M. M. Scariano (1986). "Emergence: Labelled autistic." Arena Press.

  • C. Lord, S. Risi, L. Lambrecht, E. H. Cook, B. L. Leventhal, P. C. DiLavore (2000). "The autism diagnostic observation schedule-generic: A standard measure of social and communicative deficits associated with the spectrum of autism." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30(3), doi:10.1023/a:1005592401947

  • J. McCarthy (2007). "Louder than words: A mother's journey in healing autism." Plume.

  • J. E. Robison* (2007). "Look me in the eye: My life with Asperger's." Crown/Archetype.

  • S. M. Shore (2003). "Beyond the wall: Personal experiences with autism and Asperger syndrome." AAPC Publishing.

  • D. Tammet (2007). "Born on a blue day." Hodder.

  • D. Williams (1992). "Nobody, nowhere: The extraordinary autobiography of an autistic." Times Books.

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