Heini Natri

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Added on 25/06/2024

Journal article of the type Perspective ( , english)

Content Type

Anti-ableism and scientific accuracy in autism research: a false dichotomy

By Kristen Bottema-Beutel , Steven Kapp * , Noah Sasson , Morton Ann Gernsbacher , Heini Natri * , Monique Botha *

*Three co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

Added on 14/08/2024

Journal article of the type Perspective ( , english)

Content Type

Anti‐ableist language is fully compatible with high‐quality autism research: Response to Singer et al. (2023)

By Heini Natri * , Oluwatobi Abubakare * , Kassiane Asasumasu * , Martine van Driel * , Flavien Beaud , Monique Botha * , Kristen Bottema-Beutel , Daisy Burr * , Laurence Cobbaert * , Chris Dabbs * , Donnie Denome * , Beth Edwards * , Rebecca Flower , Dena Gassner * , Morénike Giwa Onaiwu * , Aimee Grant * , Andrew Hundt , Steven Kapp * , Jennifer Litton Tidd , Marie Manalili * , Hannah Morton * , Vishnu Nair , Georgia Pavlopoulou , Amy Pearson * , Hattie Porter * , Bec Poulsen * , Anne Roux , Mary Russell * , Jackie Ryan * , Noah Sasson , Victoria VanUitert * , Courtney Watts * , Zack Williams * , Richard Woods * , Jordyn Zimmerman * , Alyssa Hillary Zisk *

*Twenty-seven co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

Added on 19/09/2024

Journal article of the type Editorial ( , english)

Content Type

Autistic perspectives on the future of clinical autism research

By Heta Pukki * , Jorn Bettin * , Avery Grey Outlaw , Joshua Hennessy * , Kabie Brook * , Martijn Dekker * , Mary Doherty * , Sebastian Shaw * , Jo Bervoets * , Silke Rudolph * , Thibault Corneloup * , Kylieanne Derwent , Onemoo Lee , Yadira Garcia Rojas * , Wenn Lawson * , Monica Vidal Gutierrez * , Kosjenka Petek * , Myria Tsiakkirou , Annikka Suoninen * , Jo Minchin * , Rainer Döhle * , Silke Lipinski * , Heini Natri * , Emma Reardon * , Giovanna Villarreal Estrada , Ovidiu Platon * , Nick Chown * , Ayaya Satsuki * , Damian Milton * , Nick Walker * , Ondrej Roldan , Bárbara Herrán * , Citlali Limón Cañedo * , Sue McCowan * , Mona Johnson * , Eleanor Turner , Jessy Lammers , wn-ho Yoon *

*Thirty co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]