Disability & society

Added on 17/11/2024

Journal article of the type Scientific research ( , english)

Content Type

'Autism is me': an investigation of how autistic individuals make sense of autism and stigma

By Monique Botha * , Bridget Dibb , David Frost

*One co-author has publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

Added on 14/12/2024

Journal article of the type Scientific research ( , english)

Content Type

Doing it differently: emancipatory autism studies within a neurodiverse academic space

By Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist * , Marianthi Kourti * , David Jackson-Perry , Charlotte Brownlow , Kirsty Fletcher , Daniel Bendelman * , Lindsay O'Dell

*Three co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

Added on 30/10/2024

Journal article of the type Theoretical development ( , english)

Content Type

Redefining critical autism studies: a more inclusive interpretation

By Richard Woods * , Damian Milton * , Larry Arnold * , Steve Graby *

*All co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

Added on 09/06/2024

Journal article of the type Theoretical development ( , english)

Content Type

On the ontological status of autism: the ‘double empathy problem’

By Damian Milton *

*The author has publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]