Added on 28/07/2024
Journal article of the type Scientific research ( ; english)
*One co-author has publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]
- 5% of authors cited in the bibliography of this resource have publicly identified as autistic (10 out of 203 authors).
- 12% of references cited in this resource contain at least one author who has publicly identified as autistic (5 out of 41 references).
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Autistic adults are more likely to experience mental and physical health difficulties, and yet can find it difficult to get the support that they need. A meta-ethnographic approach was used to review the existing research on autistic adults' experiences of accessing healthcare. Four databases were searched for qualitative and mixed-method studies which looked at the experiences of autistic adults who did not also have a learning disability when using healthcare services in the United Kingdom. Fifteen papers met the criteria to be included, and seven steps were used to analyse the information and develop new themes. Three main themes were identified: Professionals' lack of knowledge can be damaging, Need to reduce processing demands and Adaptation to improve engagement. This review highlights how damaging misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment, overwhelming environments and systems that are difficult to access can have on the well-being of autistic adults. Limited knowledge and understanding about autism knowledge among healthcare professionals along with autistic adult's own communication and sensory differences indicate that there is a need for improved training developed with autistic adults and adaptations.
For your information:
(1) References in blue are resources listed on our site.
(2) Authors listed in this bibliography whose names are in color have published other resources referenced on the site. Clicking on the name allows you to see the list of resources they have published and shared on the site.
(3) Authors whose names are followed by an asterisk have publicly disclosed being autistic.
D. Ali, S. O’Brien, L. Hull, L. Kenny, W. Mandy (2023). "'The key to this is not so much the technology. It's the individual who is using the technology': Perspectives on telehealth delivery for autistic adults during the COVID-19 pandemic". Autism, 27(2). doi:10.1177/13623613221108010
A. Psychiatric Association (2013). "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders".
S. Au-Yeung, L. Bradley, A. Robertson, R. Shaw, S. Baron-Cohen, S. Cassidy (2019). "Experience of mental health diagnosis and perceived misdiagnosis in autistic, possibly autistic and non-autistic adults". Autism, 23(6). doi:10.1177/1362361318818167
C. Babb, J. Brede, C. Jones, M. Elliott, C. Zanker, K. Tchanturia, L. Serpell, W. Mandy, J. Fox (2021). "'It's not that they don't want to access the support . . . it's the impact of the autism': The experience of eating disorder services from the perspective of autistic women, parents and healthcare professionals". Autism. doi:10.1177/1362361321991257
P. Bradshaw, E. Pellicano, M. van Driel*, A. Urbanowicz (2019). "How Can We Support the Healthcare Needs of Autistic Adults Without Intellectual Disability?". Curr Dev Disord Rep, 6(2). doi:10.1007/s40474-019-00159-9
J. Brede, E. Cage, J. Trott, L. Palmer, A. Smith, L. Serpell, W. Mandy, A. Russell (2022). "'We Have to Try to Find a Way, a Clinical Bridge' - autistic adults' experience of accessing and receiving support for mental health difficulties: A systematic review and thematic meta-synthesis". Clinical Psychology Review, 93. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102131
S. Brice, J. Rodgers, B. Ingham, D. Mason, C. Wilson, M. Freeston, A. Le Couteur, J. Parr (2021). "The importance and availability of adjustments to improve access for autistic adults who need mental and physical healthcare: findings from UK surveys". BMJ Open, 11(3). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043336
N. Britten, R. Campbell, C. Pope, J. Donovan, M. Morgan, R. Pill (2002). "Using meta ethnography to synthesise qualitative research: a worked example". J Health Serv Res Policy, 7(4). doi:10.1258/135581902320432732
H. Bruce, K. Munday, S. Kapp* (2023). "Exploring the Experiences of Autistic Transgender and Non-Binary Adults in Seeking Gender Identity Health Care". Autism in Adulthood, 5(2). doi:10.1089/aut.2023.0003
T. Buck, J. Viskochil, M. Farley, H. Coon, W. McMahon, J. Morgan, D. Bilder (2014). "Psychiatric Comorbidity and Medication Use in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder". J Autism Dev Disord, 44(12). doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2170-2
M. Caamaño, L. Boada, J. Merchán-Naranjo, C. Moreno, C. Llorente, D. Moreno, C. Arango, M. Parellada (2013). "Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents with ASD Without Mental Retardation". J Autism Dev Disord, 43(10). doi:10.1007/s10803-013-1792-0
S. Calleja, F. Amirul Islam, J. Kingsley, R. McDonald (2020). "Healthcare access for autistic adults". Medicine, 99(29). doi:10.1097/md.0000000000020899
L. Camm-Crosbie, L. Bradley, R. Shaw, S. Baron-Cohen, S. Cassidy (2019). "'People like me don't get support': Autistic adults' experiences of support and treatment for mental health difficulties, self-injury and suicidality". Autism, 23(6). doi:10.1177/1362361318816053
CASP Qualitative Checklist. (2018). "Critical Appraisal Skills Programme". (Source)
L. Crane, R. Batty, H. Adeyinka, L. Goddard, L. Henry, E. Hill (2018). "Autism Diagnosis in the United Kingdom: Perspectives of Autistic Adults, Parents and Professionals". J Autism Dev Disord, 48(11). doi:10.1007/s10803-018-3639-1
Department of Education, & Department of Health and Social Care. (2021). "Summary of findings from the government's review of the National Autism Strategy 'Think Autism' call for evidence. Gov.Uk. (Source)
E. France, M. Cunningham, N. Ring, I. Uny, E. AS Duncan, R. Jepson, M. Maxwell, R. Roberts, R. Turley, A. Booth, N. Britten, K. Flemming, I. Gallagher, R. Garside, K. Hannes, S. Lewin, G. Noblit, C. Pope, J. Thomas, M. Vanstone, G. Higginbottom, J. Noyes (2019). "Improving reporting of meta‐ethnography: The
eMERG e reporting guidance". Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(5). doi:10.1111/jan.13809
D. Gilmore, M. Krantz, L. Weaver, B. Hand (2022). "Healthcare service use patterns among autistic adults: A systematic review with narrative synthesis". Autism, 26(2). doi:10.1177/13623613211060906
G. Griffith, V. Totsika, S. Nash, R. Hastings (2012). "'I just don't fit anywhere': support experiences and future support needs of individuals with Asperger syndrome in middle adulthood". Autism, 16(5). doi:10.1177/1362361311405223
S. Griffiths, C. Allison, R. Kenny, R. Holt, P. Smith, S. Baron‐Cohen (2019). "The Vulnerability Experiences Quotient (VEQ): A Study of Vulnerability, Mental Health and Life Satisfaction in Autistic Adults". Autism Research, 12(10). doi:10.1002/aur.2162
M. Harmens, F. Sedgewick, H. Hobson (2022). "Autistic women's diagnostic experiences: Interactions with identity and impacts on well-being". Womens Health (Lond Engl), 18. doi:10.1177/17455057221137477
L. Jones, L. Goddard, E. Hill, L. Henry, L. Crane (2014). "Experiences of Receiving a Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Survey of Adults in the United Kingdom". J Autism Dev Disord, 44(12). doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2161-3
A. Leedham, A. Thompson, R. Smith, M. Freeth (2020). "'I was exhausted trying to figure it out': The experiences of females receiving an autism diagnosis in middle to late adulthood". Autism, 24(1). doi:10.1177/1362361319853442
D. Mason, B. Ingham, H. Birtles, C. Michael, C. Scarlett, I. James, T. Brown, M. Woodbury-Smith, C. Wilson, T. Finch, J. Parr (2021). "How to improve healthcare for autistic people: A qualitative study of the views of autistic people and clinicians". Autism, 25(3). doi:10.1177/1362361321993709
D. Mason, B. Ingham, A. Urbanowicz, C. Michael, H. Birtles, M. Woodbury-Smith, T. Brown, I. James, C. Scarlett, C. Nicolaidis, J. Parr (2019). "A Systematic Review of What Barriers and Facilitators Prevent and Enable Physical Healthcare Services Access for Autistic Adults". J Autism Dev Disord, 49(8). doi:10.1007/s10803-019-04049-2
A. McMillion, J. Van Herwegen, A. Johnson, J. Monteiro, A. Cronin, A. Remington (2021). "Dental experiences of a group of autistic adults based in the United Kingdom". Special Care in Dentistry, 41(4). doi:10.1111/scd.12583
C. Nicolaidis, D. Raymaker*, E. Ashkenazy*, K. McDonald, S. Dern, A. EV Baggs*, S. Kapp*, M. Weiner, W. Cody Boisclair (2015). "'Respect the way I need to communicate with you': Healthcare experiences of adults on the autism spectrum". Autism, 19(7). doi:10.1177/1362361315576221
G. Noblit, R. Hare (1988). "Meta-ethnography: Synthesizing qualitative studies". Sage.
M. Ouzzani, H. Hammady, Z. Fedorowicz, A. Elmagarmid (2016). "Rayyan—a web and mobile app for systematic reviews". Syst Rev, 5(1). doi:10.1186/s13643-016-0384-4
M. Page, J. McKenzie, P. Bossuyt, I. Boutron, T. Hoffmann, C. Mulrow, L. Shamseer, J. Tetzlaff, E. Akl, S. Brennan, R. Chou, J. Glanville, J. Grimshaw, A. Hróbjartsson, M. Lalu, T. Li, E. Loder, E. Mayo-Wilson, S. McDonald, L. McGuinness, L. Stewart, J. Thomas, A. Tricco, V. Welch, P. Whiting, D. Moher (2021). "The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews". BMJ. doi:10.1136/bmj.n71
K. Parmar, C. Porter, C. Dickinson, P. Baimbridge, J. Pelham, E. Gowen (2022). "Autism‐friendly eyecare: Developing recommendations for service providers based on the experiences of autistic adults". Ophthalmic Physiologic Optic, 42(4). doi:10.1111/opo.12975
O. Pentz, J. Cooke, H. Sharp (2023). "Experiences of women with autistic spectrum condition accessing the Brighton and Hove Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service". MHRJ, 28(3). doi:10.1108/mhrj-08-2022-0056
C. Punshon, P. Skirrow, G. Murphy (2009). "The `not guilty verdict'". Autism, 13(3). doi:10.1177/1362361309103795
D. Raymaker*, K. McDonald, E. Ashkenazy*, M. Gerrity, A. Baggs*, C. Kripke, S. Hourston, C. Nicolaidis (2017). "Barriers to healthcare: Instrument development and comparison between autistic adults and adults with and without other disabilities". Autism, 21(8). doi:10.1177/1362361316661261
A. Schutz (1962). "Common-Sense and Scientific Interpretation of Human Action". Phaenomenologica. doi:10.1007/978-94-010-2851-6_1
S. CK Shaw*, L. Carravallah*, M. Johnson*, J. O’Sullivan, N. Chown*, S. Neilson, M. Doherty* (2024). "Barriers to healthcare and a 'triple empathy problem' may lead to adverse outcomes for autistic adults: A qualitative study". Autism, 28(7). doi:10.1177/13623613231205629
M. Catherine Talcer, O. Duffy, K. Pedlow (2023). "A Qualitative Exploration into the Sensory Experiences of Autistic Mothers". J Autism Dev Disord, 53(2). doi:10.1007/s10803-021-05188-1
C. Walsh, S. Lydon, E. O’Dowd, P. O’Connor (2020). "Barriers to Healthcare for Persons with Autism: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Development of A Taxonomy". Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 23(7). doi:10.1080/17518423.2020.1716868
Welsh Government. (2016). "Prudent healthcare: Securing health and well-being for future generations. (Source)
R. Wilson, A. Thompson, G. Rowse, M. Freeth (2023). "The experience of seeking, receiving, and reflecting upon a diagnosis of autism in the UK: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies conducted with autistic individuals". Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 103. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2023.102135
N. Yau, S. Anderson, I. Smith (2023). "How is psychological wellbeing experienced by autistic women? Challenges and protective factors: A meta-synthesis". Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 102. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2022.102101
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