Supporting newly identified or diagnosed autistic adults: An initial evaluation of an autistic-led programme

Added on 26/07/2024

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Journal article of the type Scientific research ( ; english)

Laura Crane, Caroline Hearst*, Maria Ashworth, Jade Davies, Elisabeth Hill , Supporting newly identified or diagnosed autistic adults: An initial evaluation of an autistic-led programme published in the journal "Journal of autism and developmental disorders", n°51, vol.3, 14 pages , doi:10.1007/s10803-020-04486-4

*One co-author is autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

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Sixteen adults (diagnosed or self-identified as autistic) participated in one of two iterations of a ten-week autistic-led programme, aimed at helping autistic adults learn more about autism within a peer group context. Motivations for taking part in the programme included a desire for: (1) exploration of autism; (2) empowerment; and (3) the development of practical strategies and coping mechanisms. Interviews were conducted upon completion of the programme and again 6 months later. Using thematic analysis, three themes were identified: (1) appreciation of the autistic-led nature of the programme; (2) unity in diversity; and (3) developing a positive, practical outlook on autism. These promising initial results highlight the value of autistic-led peer support for those recently diagnosed/identified as autistic.

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