Does language matter? identity-first versus person-first language use in autism research: a response to Vivanti

Added on 13/08/2024

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Journal article of the type Editorial ( ; english)

Monique Botha*, Jacqueline Hanlon, Gemma Williams* , Does language matter? identity-first versus person-first language use in autism research: a response to Vivanti published in the journal "Journal of autism and developmental disorders", n°53, 8 pages , doi:10.1007/s10803-020-04858-w

*Two co-authors are autistics. [Learn more about this mention]

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In response to Vivanti’s ‘Ask The Editor…’ paper [Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(2), 691–693], we argue that the use of language in autism research has material consequences for autistic people including stigmatisation, dehumanisation, and violence. Further, that the debate in the use of person-first language versus identity-first language should centre first and foremost on the needs, autonomy, and rights of autistic people, so in to preserve their rights to self-determination. Lastly, we provide directions for future research.

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