Ajouté le 23/02/2025
Article de revue du type Perspective ( ; anglais)
- 9% des auteur·rices cités dans la bibliographie de cette ressource se sont publiquement identifié·es comme autistes (10 sur 115 auteur·rices).
- 32% des références citées dans cette ressource contiennent au moins un·e auteur·rice publiquement identifié·e comme autiste (9 sur 28 références).
Les pratiques de recherche inclusives sont essentielles pour les études sur le neurodéveloppement, car elles facilitent l'implication des membres de la communauté tout au long du processus de recherche. En soulignant cette importance, nous réitérons notre cadre précédemment proposé pour une pratique de recherche inclusive et présentons une sélection d'études de cas illustrant la mise en œuvre réussie d'approches inclusives.
Pour information:
(1) Les références en bleu sont des ressources référencées sur notre site.
(2) Les auteur·rices repris dans cette bibliographie dont le nom est en couleur ont publié d'autres ressources référencées sur le site. Cliquer sur le nom permet de voir la liste des ressources publiées et partagées sur le site.
(3) Les auteur·rices dont le nom est suivi d'une astérisque ont publiquement divulgué être autistes.
A. Alcorn, S. Fletcher-Watson, S. McGeown, F. Murray*, D. Aitken, L. Peacock, W. Mandy (2022). "Learning About Neurodiversity at School: A resource pack for primary school teachers and pupils". University of Edinburgh. (Source)
A. Alcorn, S. Patricia McGeown, W. Mandy, D. Aitken, S. Fletcher-Watson (2023). "Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS): Evaluation of the LEANS resource pack in mainstream primary schools". OSF. doi:10.31219/osf.io/fhc2k
A. Alcorn, S. McGeown, W. Mandy, D. Aitken, S. Fletcher-Watson (2024). "Learning About Neurodiversity at School: A feasibility study of a new classroom programme for mainstream primary schools". Neurodiversity, 2. doi:10.1177/27546330241272186
J. Davies, L. Islaam*, S. Carter*, B. Jack Michael Redmayne, K. Cooper, W. Mandy, L. Crane (2023). "Examining the support experiences of autistic young people with multiple marginalized identities in the United Kingdom". Autism in Adulthood. doi:10.1089/aut.2024.005
J. Davies, B. Redmayne, L. Allain, L. Portway, W. Mandy, K. Cooper, L. Crane (2024). "The Codesign and Initial Evaluation of a Peer Support Program for Autistic Young Adults". Autism in Adulthood. doi:10.1089/aut.2023.0153
S. Fletcher-Watson, K. Brook*, S. Hallett*, F. Murray*, C. Crompton (2021). "Inclusive Practices for Neurodevelopmental Research". Curr Dev Disord Rep, 8(2). doi:10.1007/s40474-021-00227-z
E. Funnell, L. Harvey-Nguyen, D. Poulton, M. Matejko, T. Boyens, I. Jackson, G. Pavlopoulou, E. Sonuga-Barke, S. Lukito, RE-STAR Participatory Research Team (2023). "Enhancing knowledge co-production between neurodivergent young people & academic researchers to enrich experimental neuroscience". Respect for Neurodevelopment, Birkbeck, University of London.
U. Hanemann (2015). "Learning Families: Intergenerational Approach to Literacy Teaching and Learning". UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
J. Jagosh, A. Macaulay, P. Pluye, J. Salsberg, P. Bush, J. Henderson, E. Sirett, G. Wong, M. Cargo, C. Herbert, S. Seifer, L. Green, T. Greenhalgh (2012). "Uncovering the Benefits of Participatory Research: Implications of a Realist Review for Health Research and Practice". Milbank Quarterly, 90(2). doi:10.1111/j.1468-0009.2012.00665.x
J. Jivraj, L. Sacrey, A. Newton, D. Nicholas, L. Zwaigenbaum (2014). "Assessing the influence of researcher–partner involvement on the process and outcomes of participatory research in autism spectrum disorder and neurodevelopmental disorders: A scoping review". Autism, 18(7). doi:10.1177/1362361314539858
S. Jones* (2023). "Autistics working in academia: What are the barriers and facilitators?". Autism, 27(3). doi:10.1177/13623613221118158
C. Knight, T. Crick (2021). "The assignment and distribution of the dyslexia label: Using the UK Millennium Cohort Study to investigate the socio-demographic predictors of the dyslexia label in England and Wales". PLoS ONE, 16(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0256114
Y. Lincoln, S. Lynham, E. Guba (2011). "Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences, revisited". The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, 4(2).
S. Lloyd-Evans, E. Oenga, L. Zischka, A. Mpofu-Coles, R. Woronka, M. Oveson, D. Hookway, M. Cleaver, S. Duval, E. Karanja, T. Gomma, K. Neupana, L. Ashcroft, S. Clare, D. Ma, H. Sundhararanjan, P. Watson, K. Tatys (2023). "Participatory action research: A toolkit". University of Reading.
J. Long, H. Ballard, L. Fisher, J. Belsky (2016). "Questions That Won't Go Away in Participatory Research". Society & Natural Resources, 29(2). doi:10.1080/08941920.2015.1024368
M. Matejko, D. Poulton, L. Harvey-Nguyen, T. Boyens, I. Jackson, G. Pavlopoulou, S. Funnell, S. Lukito, RE-STAR PR Team (2023). "Enhancing participatory neuroscience research: the RE-STAR project perspectives". (Source)
A. Nordin, S. Kjellstrom, G. Robert, D. Masterson, K. Areskoug Josefsson (2023). "Measurement and outcomes of co-production in health and social care: a systematic review of empirical studies". BMJ Open, 13(9). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073808
C. Parbery‐Clark, R. Nicholls, L. McSweeney, S. Sowden, J. Lally (2024). "Coproduction of a resource sharing public views of health inequalities: An example of inclusive public and patient involvement and engagement". Health Expectations, 27(1). doi:10.1111/hex.13860
B. Redmayne, L. Allain, S. Carter*, M. Healy, L. Islaam*, L. Portway, L. Crane (2023). "Research on post-diagnostic support for autistic young people". Ambitious about Autism. (Source)
E. J.S. Sonuga-Barke, S. Chandler, S. Lukito, M. Kakoulidou, G. Moore, N. Cooper, M. Matejko, I. Jackson, B. Balwani, T. Boyens, D. Poulton, L. Harvey-Nguyen, S. Baker, G. Pavlopoulou (2024). "Participatory translational science of neurodivergence: model for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism research". Br J Psychiatry, 224(4). doi:10.1192/bjp.2023.151
S. Weschke, D. Louise Franzen, A. Karolina Sierawska, L. Bonde, D. Strech, S. Gabriele Schorr (2023). "Reporting of patient involvement: a mixed-methods analysis of current practice in health research publications using a targeted search strategy". BMJ Open, 13(1). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064170
E. Wilson, A. Kenny, V. Dickson-Swift (2018). "Ethical challenges of community based participatory research: exploring researchers' experience". International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(1). doi:10.1080/13645579.2017.1296714
R. Zahir, M. Somerville, C. Tye, S. Fletcher-Watson (2024). "Community Partner Recruitment Pack". osf.io/7evsm
R. Zahir, A. Alcorn, S. McGeown, W. Mandy, D. Aitken, F. Murray*, S. Fletcher-Watson (2024). "Short report: Evaluation of wider community support for a neurodiversity teaching programme designed using participatory methods". Autism, 28(6). doi:10.1177/13623613231211046
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