Added on 19/09/2024
Journal article of the type Scientific research ( ; english)
*Four co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]
- 11% of authors cited in the bibliography of this resource have publicly identified as autistic (24 out of 214 authors).
- 32% of references cited in this resource contain at least one author who has publicly identified as autistic (34 out of 106 references).
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Controversies regarding the neurodiversity movement may be exacerbated by confusion over its meaning. For example, some suggest neurodiversity entails acceptance of the social model, whereas others describe it as more nuanced. We aimed to help resolve conflicting viewpoints by inviting insights from 504 autistic and autism community members (278 autistic, 226 non-autistic), including 100 researchers (41 autistic), 122 professionals (35 autistic) and 162 parents/caregivers (53 autistic). They rated the neurodiversity movement, social model, medical model and intervention goals, and answered open-ended questions regarding the meaning of neurodiversity, the neurodiversity movement and disability models. Neurodiversity movement support was associated with endorsing societal reform and making environments more supportive, and lower support for normalization and adaptive skill interventions, though teaching adaptive skills was widely supported overall. Although participants often suggested the social model attributes disability solely to society, this ‘strong’ view was not universal. ‘Strong’ social model supporters still endorsed some interventions targeting individuals’ characteristics (specifically, teaching adaptive skills, curing depression and epilepsy). Findings confirm that neurodiversity movement supporters denounce normalization, but are open to individualized supports. Findings highlight strong support for autistic leadership (especially among autistic people, including autistic parents) and for societal reform, and suggest that oversimplified rhetoric may cause confusion regarding advocates’ views.
For your information:
(1) References in blue are resources listed on our site.
(2) Authors listed in this bibliography whose names are in color have published other resources referenced on the site. Clicking on the name allows you to see the list of resources they have published and shared on the site.
(3) Authors whose names are followed by an asterisk have publicly disclosed being autistic.
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (2021). "For whose benefit: Evidence, ethics, and effectiveness of autism interventions." (Source)
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (2022). "Statement on genetic research & autism." (Source)
Autistictic (2020). "Introducing the holistic model of disability." (Source)
T. Armstrong (2010). "Neurodiversity: Discovering the extraordinary gifts of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other brain differences." Da Capo Press. (Source)
American Psychiatric Association (2013). "Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders" (5th ed.).
National Council on Severe Autism (n.d.). "NCSA position statements." (Source)
Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism (n.d.). "Neurodiversity FAQ: A neurodiversity facts and myths primer." (Source)
K. M. P. Baiden, Z. J. Williams*, R. K. Schuck, P. Dwyer*, M. Wang (2024). "The social validity of behavioral interventions: Seeking input from autistic adults." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10803-024-06297-3
A. Bailin (2019, June). "Clearing up some misconceptions about neurodiversity: Just because you value neurological differences doesn’t mean you’re denying the reality of disabilities." Scientific American. (Source)
D. L. Baker (2011). "The politics of neurodiversity: Why public policy matters." Lynne Rienner Publishers.
E. P. Ballou (2018). "What the neurodiversity movement does – And doesn’t – Offer." Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism. (Source)
S. Baron-Cohen (2019, April 30). "The concept of neurodiversity is dividing the autism community." Scientific American. (Source)
Y. Benjamini, Y. Hochberg (1995). "Controlling the false discovery rate: A practical and powerful approach to multiple testing." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 57(1), 289–300. doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1995.tb02031.x
H. Blume (1998, September). "Neurodiversity: On the neurological underpinnings of Geekdom." The Atlantic. (Source)
K. M. Bottema-Beutel, T. S. Mullins, M. N. Harvey, J. R. Gustafson, E. W. Carter (2016). "Avoiding the 'brick wall of awkward': Perspectives of youth with autism spectrum disorder on social-focused intervention practices." Autism, 20(2), 196–206. doi:10.1177/1362361315574888
K. M. Bottema-Beutel, H. Park, S. Y. Kim (2018). "Commentary on social skills training curricula for individuals with ASD: Social interaction, authenticity, and stigma." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 953–964. doi:10.1007/s10803-017-3400-1
A. A. Broderick, R. Roscigno (2021). "Autism, Inc.: The autism industrial complex." Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 2(1), 77–101. doi:10.1163/25888803-bja10008
C. Brownlow, W. Lawson*, Y. Pillay, J. Mahony, D. Abawi (2021). "'Just ask me': The importance of respectful relationships within schools." Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 678264. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.678264
S. Bölte, W. B. Lawson*, P. B. Marschik, S. Girdler (2021). "Reconciling the seemingly irreconcilable: The WHO’s ICF system integrates biological and psychosocial environmental determinants of autism and ADHD." BioEssays, 43(9). doi:10.1002/bies.202000254
C. Cameron (2024). "Sometimes I just wish it was all over." Disability & Society, 39(2), 506–511. doi:10.1080/09687599.2023.2275525
R. Chapman* (2019, July 30). "Mental disorder within the neurodiversity paradigm." Psychology Today. (Source)
R. Chapman* (2020a). "Defining neurodiversity for research and practice." In Rosqvist H. B., Chown N., Stenning A. (Eds.), Neurodiversity studies: A new critical paradigm (pp. 218–220). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429322297
R. Chapman* (2020b). "The reality of autism: On the metaphysics of disorder and diversity." Philosophical Psychology, 33(6), 799–819. doi:10.1080/09515089.2020.1751103
R. Chapman* (2021). "Neurodiversity and the social ecology of mental functions." Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(6), 1360–1372. doi:10.1177/1745691620959833
R. Chapman* (2023). "Empire of normality: Neurodiversity and capitalism." doi:10.2307/jj.8501594
S. L. Chellappa (2024). "Neuroaffirming services for autistic people." The Lancet Psychiatry, 11(2), 96–97. doi:10.1016/s2215-0366(23)00405-4
Y. Cheng, B. Tekola, A. Balasubramanian, L. Crane, K. Leadbitter (2023). "Neurodiversity and community-led rights-based movements: Barriers and opportunities for global research partnerships." Autism, 27(3), 573–577. doi:10.1177/13623613231159165
N. Cliff (1993). "Dominance statistics: Ordinal analyses to answer ordinal questions." Quantitative Methods in Psychology, 114(3), 494–509. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.114.3.494
M. Costandi (2019, September 12). "Against neurodiversity." Aeon. (Source)
L. Crane, L. M. Lui, J. Davies, E. Pellicano (2021). "Autistic parents’ views and experiences of talking about autism with their autistic children." Autism, 25(4), 1161–1167. doi:10.1177/1362361320981317
C. J. Crompton, M. Sharp, H. Axbey, S. Fletcher-Watson, E. G. Flynn, D. Ropar, K. M. Bottema-Beutel (2020). "Neurotype-matching, but not being autistic, influences self and observer ratings of interpersonal rapport." Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 586171. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.586171
L. Crow (1996). "Including all of our lives: Renewing the social model of disability." In C. Barnes, G. Mercer (Eds.), Exploring the Divide (pp. 55–72). Disability Press.
Z. Darazsdi, C. S. Bialka (2023). "'Oh, you couldn’t be autistic': Examining anti-autistic bias and self-esteem in the therapeutic alliance." Autism, 27(7), 2124–2134. doi:10.1177/13623613231154622
M. Dekker* (1999). "On our own terms: Emerging autistic culture." Autism99 Online Conference. (Source)
A.-S. Dugdale, A. R. Thompson, A. Leedham, N. Beail, M. Freeth (2021). "Intense connection and love: The experiences of autistic mothers." Autism, 25(7), 1973–1984. doi:10.1177/13623613211005987
J. Ellis (2023). "Imagining neurodivergent futures from the belly of the identity machine: Neurodiversity, biosociality, and strategic essentialism." Autism in Adulthood, 5(3), 225–235. doi:10.1089/aut.2021.0075
H. F. Golino, S. Epskamp (2017). "Exploratory graph analysis: A new approach for estimating the number of dimensions in psychological research." PLOS ONE, 12(6), Article e0174035. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0174035
B. Goodrich, M. Fenton, J. Penn, J. Bovay, T. Mountain (2023). "Battling bots: Experiences and strategies to mitigate fraudulent responses in online surveys." Applied Economic. Perspectives and Policy, 45(2), 762–784. doi:10.1002/aepp.13353
Labour Party Autism/Neurodiversity Manifesto Steering Group (2018, September 18). "Labour party autism / Neurodiversity manifesto: Final draft version (2018)." (Source)
A. Havdahl, M. Niarchou, A. Starnawska, M. Uddin, C. van der Merwe, V. Warrier (2021). "Genetic contributions to autism spectrum disorder." Psychological Medicine, 51(13), 2260–2273. doi:10.1017/s0033291721000192
S. A. Hayes, S. L. Watson (2013). "The impact of parenting stress: A meta-analysis of studies comparing the experience of parenting stress in parents of children with and without autism spectrum disorder." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(3), 629–642. doi:10.1007/s10803-012-1604-y
L. Hellman (2022, April 26). "When severe autism parents sacrifice careers." National Council on Severe Autism. (Source)
T. Hiari (2018, April 8). "Neurodiversity is dead. Now what?" Mad in America. (Source)
A. E. Holton (2013). "What’s wrong with max? Parenthood and the portrayal of autism spectrum disorders." Journal of Communication Inquiry, 37(1), 45–63. doi:10.1177/0196859912472507
H.-F. Hsieh, S. E. Shannon (2005). "Three approaches to qualitative content analysis." Qualitative Health Research, 15(9), 1277–1288. doi:10.1177/1049732305276687
B. Hughes, K. Paterson (1997). "The social model of disability and the disappearing body: Towards a sociology of impairment." Disability & Society, 12(3), 325–340. doi:10.1080/09687599727209
J. A. Hughes (2021). "Does the heterogeneity of autism undermine the neurodiversity paradigm?" Bioethics, 35(1), 47–60. doi:10.1111/bioe.12780
S. K. Hwang, P. Heslop (2023). "Autistic parents’ personal experiences of parenting and support: Messages from an online focus group." The British Journal of Social Work, 53(1), 276–295. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcac133
S. K. Kapp* (2011). "Navajo and autism: The beauty of harmony." Disability & Society, 26(5), 583–595. doi:10.1080/09687599.2011.589192
S. K. Kapp* (2013). "Interactions between theoretical models and practical stakeholders: The basis for an integrative, collaborative approach to disabilities." In Autistic Self Advocacy Network & Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation (Eds.), Empowering leadership: A systems change guide for autistic college students and those with other disabilities (pp. 104–113). Autistic Self Advocacy Network. (Source)
S. K. Kapp* (2020). "Introduction." In Kapp S. K. (Ed.), Autistic community and the neurodiversity movement: Stories from the frontline (pp. 1–19). Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-8437-0_1
S. K. Kapp* (2023). "Models of helping and coping with autism." In D. Milton, S. Ryan (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of critical autism studies (pp. 255–259). Routledge.
S. K. Kapp*, K. Gillespie-Lynch, L. E. Sherman, T. Hutman (2013). "Deficit, difference, or both? Autism and neurodiversity." Developmental Psychology, 49(1), 59–71. doi:10.1037/a0028353
T. Karaminis, C. Gabrielatos, U. Maden-Weinberger, G. Beattie (2023). "Portrayals of autism in the British press: A corpus-based study." Autism, 27(4), 1092–1114. doi:10.1177/13623613221131752
N. L. Kondracki, N. S. Wellman, D. R. Amundson (2002). "Content analysis: Review of methods and their applications in nutrition education." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 34(4), 224–230. doi:10.1016/s1499-4046(06)60097-3
T. S. Kuhn (2012). "The structure of scientific revolutions" (50th anniversary ed.). The University of Chicago Press. (Original work published 1962)
M. D. Lerner, A. N. Gurba*, D. L. Gassner* (2023). "A framework for neurodiversity-affirming interventions for autistic individuals." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 91(9), 503–504. doi:10.1037/ccp0000839
N. Lewin, N. Akhtar (2021). "Neurodiversity and deficit perspectives in The Washington Post’s coverage of autism." Disability & Society, 36(5), 812–833. doi:10.1080/09687599.2020.1751073
S. Love (2022, March 29). "What does it mean to have a ‘weird’ brain in the age of neurodiversity?" VICE. (Source)
A. S. F. Lutz (2015, September 28). "Please stop whitewashing autism." Psychology Today. (Source)
A. S. F. Lutz (2020, December 30). "Autism mother-blaming, Circa 2020." Psychology Today. (Source)
A. S. F. Lutz (2024, March 22). "When everything is eugenics, nothing is." Persuasion. (Source)
O. McGill, A. Robinson (2021). "‘Recalling hidden harms’: Autistic experiences of childhood applied behavioural analysis (ABA)." Advances in Autism, 7(4), 269–282. doi:10.1108/aia-04-2020-0025
D. E. Milton* (2012). "On the ontological status of autism: The ‘double empathy problem’." Disability & Society, 27(6), 883–887.
D. E. Milton*, S. Timimi (2016). "Debate 1. Does autism have an essential nature?" University of Kent. (Source)
J. Mitchell (2019, February 7). "Parent-blaming and autism: Tragically trending again." National Council on Severe Autism. (Source)
S. M. Myers, T. D. Challman, R. Bernier, T. Bourgeron, W. K. Chung, J. N. Constantino, E. E. Eichler, S. Jacquemont, D. T. Miller, K. J. Mitchell, H. Y. Zoghbi, C. L. Martin, D. H. Ledbetter (2020). "Insufficient evidence for 'autism-specific' genes." The American Journal of Human Genetics, 106(5), 587–595. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2020.04.004
M. R. Nario-Redmond, J. G. Noel, E. Fern (2013). "Redefining disability, re-imagining the self: Disability identification predicts self-esteem and strategic responses to stigma." Self and Identity, 12(5), 468–488. doi:10.1080/15298868.2012.681118
M. Naughton (2021, April 13). "Autism – A parent’s story." (Source)
R. H. Nelson (2021). "A critique of the neurodiversity view." Journal of Applied Philosophy, 38(2), 335–347. doi:10.1111/japp.12470
Ngwagwa (2022, January 12). "Neuroexpansive* thoughts." Medium. (Source)
S. Neumeier (2018, February 9). "‘To Siri with love’ and the problem with neurodiversity lite." Rewire News Group. (Source)
M. Oliver (1990). "The politics of disablement." Macmillan Education.
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M. Oliver (2013). "The social model of disability: Thirty years on." Disability & Society, 28(7), 1024–1026. doi:10.1080/09687599.2013.818773
M. Parellada, Á. Andreu-Bernabeu, M. Burdeus, A. San José Cáceres, E. Urbiola, L. L. Carpenter, N. V. Kraguljac, W. M. McDonald, C. I. Rodriguez, A. S. Widge, M. W. State, S. J. Sanders (2023). "In search of biomarkers to guide interventions in autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review." American Journal of Psychiatry, 180(1), 23–40. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.21100992
E. Pellicano, D. Adams, L. Crane, C. Hollingue, C. Allen, K. Almendinger, M. Botha*, T. Haar*, S. K. Kapp*, E. Wheeley (2023). "Letter to the editor: A possible threat to data integrity for online qualitative autism research." Autism, 28, 786–792. doi:10.1177/13623613231174543
J. Roberts (2021, October 2). "Performative neurodiversity – The appropriation and watering down of a Human Rights Movement for profit." Therapist Neurodiversity Collective. (Source)
S. Des Roches Rosa (2019, October 17). "How listening to autistic adults helped me understand and support my son." The Washington Post. (Source)
R. J. Savarese, P. Block, K. Chew, D. Cumberland, J. Duffy, S. Etlinger, E. Klar, M. Osteen, J. C. Wilson (2010). "Neurodiversity and caregiving: A roundtable with parents and siblings of children with autism." Disability Studies Quarterly, 30(1). doi:10.18061/dsq.v30i1.1061
R. K. Schuck, P. Dwyer*, K. M. P. Baiden, Z. J. Williams*, M. Wang (2022). "Social validity of pivotal response treatment for young autistic children: Perspectives of autistic adults." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 54, 423–441. doi:10.1007/s10803-022-05808-4
M. Scott, B. Milbourn, M. Falkmer, M. Black, S. Bӧlte, A. Halladay, M. Lerner, J. L. Taylor, S. Girdler (2019). "Factors impacting employment for people with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review." Autism, 23(4), 869–901. doi:10.1177/1362361318787789
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J. Sinclair* (1992, October). "What does being different mean?" Our Voice, 1(1), 14–16. (Source)
J. Singer (2016). "Neurodiversity: The birth of an idea."
J. Singer (n.d.). "What is neurodiversity?" Neurodiversity 2.0. (Source)
M. Torchiano (2022). "Package ‘effsize’." (Source)
R. A. VanDaalen, F. R. Dillon, C. E. Santos, C. Capielo Rosario (2024). "Development and initial validation of the autism and neurodiversity attitudes scale." Autism in Adulthood. Advance online publication. doi:10.1089/aut.2023.0090
N. Walker* (2021). Neuroqueer heresies. Autonomous Press.
N. Walker*, D. M. Raymaker* (2020). "Toward a neuroqueer future: An interview with Nick Walker." Autism in Adulthood. doi:10.1089/aut.2020.29014.njw
This resource is cited in 3 resources referenced on the site:
- Ava Gurba & coll. (2024, en), "Break the stigma: autism. The future of research on autism stigma - towards multilevel, contextual & global understanding".
- Jenny Mai Phan & coll. (2025, en), "Oxytocin in autism: Rethinking treatment and research through a neurodivergent perspective".
- Helen McLennan & coll. (2025, en), "Thirty years on from Sinclair: A scoping review of neurodiversity definitions and conceptualisations in empirical research".
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