Neurotypical peers are less willing to interact with those with autism based on thin slice judgments

Added on 11/11/2024

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Journal article of the type Scientific research ( ; english)

Neurotypical peers are less willing to interact with those with autism based on thin slice judgments published in the journal "Scientific reports" n°1, vol.7, 10 pages , doi: 10.1038/srep40700

- 2% of authors cited in the bibliography of this resource have publicly identified as autistic (2 out of 127 authors).
- 4% of references cited in this resource contain at least one author who has publicly identified as autistic (2 out of 47 references).

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Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including those who otherwise require less support, face severe difficulties in everyday social interactions. Research in this area has primarily focused on identifying the cognitive and neurological differences that contribute to these social impairments, but social interaction by definition involves more than one person and social difficulties may arise not just from people with ASD themselves, but also from the perceptions, judgments, and social decisions made by those around them. Here, across three studies, we find that first impressions of individuals with ASD made from thin slices of real-world social behavior by typically-developing observers are not only far less favorable across a range of trait judgments compared to controls, but also are associated with reduced intentions to pursue social interaction. These patterns are remarkably robust, occur within seconds, do not change with increased exposure, and persist across both child and adult age groups. However, these biases disappear when impressions are based on conversational content lacking audio-visual cues, suggesting that style, not substance, drives negative impressions of ASD. Collectively, these findings advocate for a broader perspective of social difficulties in ASD that considers both the individual’s impairments and the biases of potential social partners.

For your information:

(1) References in blue are resources listed on our site.

(2) Authors listed in this bibliography whose names are in color have published other resources referenced on the site. Clicking on the name allows you to see the list of resources they have published and shared on the site.

(3) Authors whose names are followed by an asterisk have publicly disclosed being autistic.

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  • E. Sheppard, D. Pillai, G. Tze-Lynn Wong, D. Ropar, P. Mitchell (2016). "How Easy is it to Read the Minds of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder?". J Autism Dev Disord, 46(4). doi:10.1007/s10803-015-2662-8

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  • D. White, A. Hillier, A. Frye, E. Makrez (2019). "College students' knowledge and attitudes towards students on the autism spectrum." J Autism Dev Disord, 49(7), 2699-2705, doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2818-1

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