Added on 28/09/2024
Journal article of the type Theoretical development ( ; english)
*All co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]
- 11% of authors cited in the bibliography of this resource have publicly identified as autistic (17 out of 160 authors).
- 35% of references cited in this resource contain at least one author who has publicly identified as autistic (13 out of 37 references).
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Autistic people experience significant health disparities and reduced life expectancy. Barriers to accessing healthcare are associated with adverse health outcomes. Autism training and healthcare professionals' knowledge about autism is variable, and heterogeneity among autistic people leads to additional educational and clinical complexities. Autism remains nebulous for many practitioners, who are unclear about communication differences, access needs or life experiences common to autistic people. Healthcare environments can be challenging for all patients but autistic people may require specific accommodations to allow equitable access. The authors have developed a simple framework which may facilitate equitable clinical services at all points of access and care, using the acronym ‘SPACE’. This encompasses five core autistic needs: Sensory needs, Predictability, Acceptance, Communication and Empathy. Three additional domains are represented by physical space, processing space and emotional space. This simple yet memorable framework encompasses commonalities shared by autistic people.
For your information:
(1) References in blue are resources listed on our site.
(2) Authors listed in this bibliography whose names are in color have published other resources referenced on the site. Clicking on the name allows you to see the list of resources they have published and shared on the site.
(3) Authors whose names are followed by an asterisk have publicly disclosed being autistic.
B. Belek (2019). "Articulating Sensory Sensitivity: From Bodies with Autism to Autistic Bodies". Medical Anthropology, 38(1). doi:10.1080/01459740.2018.1460750
P. Bradshaw, C. Pickett, M. van Driel*, K. Brooker, A. Urbanowicz (2021). "Recognising, supporting and understanding Autistic adults in general practice settings". Aust J Gen Pract, 50(3). doi:10.31128/ajgp-11-20-5722
R. Brewer, F. Biotti, C. Catmur, C. Press, F. Happé, R. Cook, G. Bird (2016). "Can Neurotypical Individuals Read Autistic Facial Expressions? Atypical Production of Emotional Facial Expressions in Autism Spectrum Disorders". Autism Research, 9(2). doi:10.1002/aur.1508
A. Brignell, K. Chenausky, H. Song (2018). "Communication interventions for autism spectrum disorder in minimally verbal children". Cochrane Database Syst Rev., 11. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd012324.pub2
R. Ying Cai, A. Richdale, M. Uljarević, C. Dissanayake, A. Samson (2018). "Emotion regulation in autism spectrum disorder: Where we are and where we need to go". Autism Research, 11(7). doi:10.1002/aur.1968
R. Charlton, T. Entecott, E. Belova, G. Nwaordu (2021). "'It feels like holding back something you need to say': Autistic and Non-Autistic Adults accounts of sensory experiences and stimming". Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 89. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2021.101864
C. Cummins, E. Pellicano, L. Crane (2020). "Autistic adults' views of their communication skills and needs". Intl J Lang & Comm Disor, 55(5). doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12552
M. Doherty*, C. Haydon, I. Davidson (2021). "Recognising autism in healthcare". Br J Hosp Med, 82(12). doi:10.12968/hmed.2021.0313
M. Doherty*, S. Neilson, J. O'Sullivan, L. Carravallah*, M. Johnson*, W. Cullen, S. Shaw* (2022). "Barriers to healthcare and self-reported adverse outcomes for autistic adults: a cross-sectional study". BMJ Open, 12(2). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056904
S. Fletcher-Watson, G. Bird (2020). "Autism and empathy: What are the real links?". Autism, 24(1). doi:10.1177/1362361319883506
J. Frenk, L. Chen, L. Chandran, E. Groff, R. King, A. Meleis, H. Fineberg (2022). "Challenges and opportunities for educating health professionals after the COVID-19 pandemic". The Lancet, 400(10362). doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(22)02092-x
C. Haydon, M. Doherty*, I. Davidson (2021). "Autism: making reasonable adjustments in healthcare". Br J Hosp Med, 82(12). doi:10.12968/hmed.2021.0314
E. Hazen, J. Stornelli, J. O’Rourke, K. Koesterer, C. McDougle (2014). "Sensory Symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorders". Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 22(2). doi:10.1097/01.hrp.0000445143.08773.58
T. Hirvikoski, E. Mittendorfer-Rutz, M. Boman, H. Larsson, P. Lichtenstein, S. Bölte (2016). "Premature mortality in autism spectrum disorder". Br J Psychiatry, 208(3). doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.160192
R. Hume, H. Burgess (2021). "'I'm Human After All': Autism, Trauma, and Affective Empathy". Autism in Adulthood, 3(3). doi:10.1089/aut.2020.0013
A. Lyons-Warren, Y-W. Wan (2022). "Cluster analysis of short sensory profile data reveals sensory-based subgroups in autism spectrum disorder". Int J Mol Sci., 23(21). doi:10.3390/ijms232113030
K. MacLennan, C. Woolley (2022). "‘It is a big spider web of things’: sensory experiences of autistic adults in public spaces". Autism Adulthood. doi:10.1089/aut.2022.0024
D. Mason, B. Ingham, A. Urbanowicz, C. Michael, H. Birtles, M. Woodbury-Smith, T. Brown, I. James, C. Scarlett, C. Nicolaidis, J. Parr (2019). "A Systematic Review of What Barriers and Facilitators Prevent and Enable Physical Healthcare Services Access for Autistic Adults". J Autism Dev Disord, 49(8). doi:10.1007/s10803-019-04049-2
A. McDonnell, M. McCreadie, R. Mills, R. Deveau, R. Anker, J. Hayden (2015). "The role of physiological arousal in the management of challenging behaviours in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders". Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2014.09.012
J. Phung, M. Penner, C. Pirlot, C. Welch (2021). "What I wish you knew: insights on burnout, inertia, meltdown, and shutdown from autistic youth". Front Psychol., 4981. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.741421
S. Shaw*, L. Davis, M. Doherty* (2022). "Considering autistic patients in the era of telemedicine: the need for an adaptable, equitable, and compassionate approach". Br J Gen Pract Open., 6(1). doi:10.3399/bjgpo.2021.0174
S. Shaw*, S. McCowan*, M. Doherty*, B. Grosjean*, M. Kinnear (2021). "The neurodiversity concept viewed through an autistic lens". The Lancet Psychiatry, 8(8). doi:10.1016/s2215-0366(21)00247-9
S. Shaw*, M. Doherty*, S. McCowan*, J. Eccles (2022). "Towards a Neurodiversity-Affirmative Approach for an Over-Represented and Under-Recognised Population: Autistic Adults in Outpatient Psychiatry". J Autism Dev Disord, 52(9). doi:10.1007/s10803-022-05670-4
D. Smirni, P. Smirni, M. Carotenuto, L. Parisi, G. Quatrosi, M. Roccella (2019). "Noli Me Tangere: Social Touch, Tactile Defensiveness, and Communication in Neurodevelopmental Disorders". Brain Sciences, 9(12). doi:10.3390/brainsci9120368
M. Strömberg, L. Liman, P. Bang, K. Igelström (2022). "Experiences of Sensory Overload and Communication Barriers by Autistic Adults in Health Care Settings". Autism in Adulthood, 4(1). doi:10.1089/aut.2020.0074
T. Tavassoli, L. Miller, S. Schoen, D. Nielsen, S. Baron-Cohen (2014). "Sensory over-responsivity in adults with autism spectrum conditions". Autism, 18(4). doi:10.1177/1362361313477246
S. Unigwe, C. Buckley, L. Crane, L. Kenny, A. Remington, E. Pellicano (2017). "GPs' confidence in caring for their patients on the autism spectrum: an online self-report study". Br J Gen Pract, 67(659). doi:10.3399/bjgp17x690449
C. Mario Vicario, M. Nitsche, M. Salehinejad, L. Avanzino, G. Martino (2020). "Time Processing, Interoception, and Insula Activation: A Mini-Review on Clinical Disorders". Front. Psychol., 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01893
C. Walsh, S. Lydon, E. O’Dowd, P. O’Connor (2020). "Barriers to Healthcare for Persons with Autism: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Development of A Taxonomy". Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 23(7). doi:10.1080/17518423.2020.1716868
S. Young, J. Hollingdale, M. Absoud, P. Bolton, P. Branney, W. Colley, E. Craze, M. Dave, Q. Deeley, E. Farrag, G. Gudjonsson, P. Hill, H. Liang, C. Murphy, P. Mackintosh, M. Murin, F. O’Regan, D. Ougrin, P. Rios, N. Stover, E. Taylor, E. Woodhouse (2020). "Guidance for identification and treatment of individuals with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder based upon expert consensus". BMC Med, 18(1). doi:10.1186/s12916-020-01585-y
O. Zerbo, M. Massolo, Y. Qian, L. Croen (2015). "A Study of Physician Knowledge and Experience with Autism in Adults in a Large Integrated Healthcare System". J Autism Dev Disord, 45(12). doi:10.1007/s10803-015-2579-2
This resource is cited in 4 resources referenced on the site:
- Sara Woods (2024, en), "Why we need more autistic health care professionals and how to support them".
- Amanda Timmerman & coll. (2024, en), "Quality-of-life measurement in randomised controlled trials of mental health interventions for autistic adults: A systematic review".
- Mary Doherty & coll. (2024, en), "Autistic psychiatrists’ experiences of recognising themselves and others as autistic: a qualitative study".
- Jenni Guthrie & coll. (2024, en), "Autistic SPACE(S) in social work".
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