Autistic self-advocacy and the neurodiversity movement: implications for autism early intervention research and practice

Added on 03/11/2024

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Journal article of the type Perspective ( ; english)

Autistic self-advocacy and the neurodiversity movement: implications for autism early intervention research and practice published in the journal "Frontiers in psychology" vol.12, 7 pages , doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.635690

*Two co-authors had publicly identified as autistic. [Learn more about this mention]

- 8% of authors cited in the bibliography of this resource have publicly identified as autistic (18 out of 236 authors).
- 25% of references cited in this resource contain at least one author who has publicly identified as autistic (19 out of 75 references).

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The growth of autistic self-advocacy and the neurodiversity movement has brought about new ethical, theoretical and ideological debates within autism theory, research and practice. These debates have had genuine impact within some areas of autism research but their influence is less evident within early intervention research. In this paper, we argue that all autism intervention stakeholders need to understand and actively engage with the views of autistic people and with neurodiversity as a concept and movement. In so doing, intervention researchers and practitioners are required to move away from a normative agenda and pay diligence to environmental goodness-of-fit, autistic developmental trajectories, internal drivers and experiences, and autistic prioritized intervention targets. Autism intervention researchers must respond to these debates by reframing effectiveness, developing tools to measure autistic prioritized outcomes, and forming partnerships with autistic people. There is a pressing need for increased reflection and articulation around how intervention practices align with a neurodiversity framework and greater emphasis within intervention programmes on natural developmental processes, coping strategies, autonomy, and well-being.

For your information:

(1) References in blue are resources listed on our site.

(2) Authors listed in this bibliography whose names are in color have published other resources referenced on the site. Clicking on the name allows you to see the list of resources they have published and shared on the site.

(3) Authors whose names are followed by an asterisk have publicly disclosed being autistic.

  • Autistica (2015). "Your Questions: Shaping Future Autism Research". (Source)

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  • M. Dekker* (2017). "Pick a side: the dilemma of being an autistic parent" [Presentation]. Autscape, Northampton. (Source)

  • M. Dekker* (2020). "From exclusion to acceptance: independent living on the Autistic Spectrum". In "Autistic Community and the Neurodiversity Movement: Stories From the Frontline", ed. S. Kapp (pp. 41–49). Singapore: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-8437-0_3

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  • Jon. Green, C. Aldred, T. Charman, A. Le Couteur, R. Emsley, V. Grahame, P. Howlin, N. Humphrey, K. Leadbitter, H. McConachie, J. Parr, A. Pickles, V. Slonims, C. Taylor (2018). "Paediatric Autism Communication Therapy-Generalised (PACT-G) against treatment as usual for reducing symptom severity in young children with autism spectrum disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial". Trials, 19(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-018-2881-3

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  • J. M. Hughes (2016). "Increasing neurodiversity in disability and social justice advocacy groups" [White paper]. Autistic Self Advocacy Network. (Source)

  • J. Hughes (2021). "Does the heterogeneity of autism undermine the neurodiversity paradigm?". Bioethics, 35(1). doi:10.1111/bioe.12780

  • V. Iemmi, M. Knapp, I. Ragan (2017). "The Autism Dividend: Reaping the Rewards of Better Investment". Vancouver: Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research.

  • P. Jaarsma, S. Welin (2012). "Autism as a Natural Human Variation: Reflections on the Claims of the Neurodiversity Movement". Health Care Anal, 20(1). doi:10.1007/s10728-011-0169-9

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  • P. Kirkham (2017). "'The line between intervention and abuse' – autism and applied behaviour analysis". History of the Human Sciences, 30(2). doi:10.1177/0952695117702571

  • J. Kras (2016). "The 'Ransom Notes' Affair: When the Neurodiversity Movement Came of Age". DSQ, 30(1). doi:10.18061/dsq.v30i1.1065

  • G. Yu Hin Lam, E. Holden, M. Fitzpatrick, L. Raffaele Mendez, K. Berkman (2020). "'Different but connected': Participatory action research using Photovoice to explore well-being in autistic young adults". Autism, 24(5). doi:10.1177/1362361319898961

  • K. Leadbitter, C. Aldred, H. McConachie, A. Le Couteur, D. Kapadia, T. Charman, W. Macdonald, E. Salomone, R. Emsley, Jon. Green (2018). "The Autism Family Experience Questionnaire (AFEQ): An Ecologically-Valid, Parent-Nominated Measure of Family Experience, Quality of Life and Prioritised Outcomes for Early Intervention". J Autism Dev Disord, 48(4). doi:10.1007/s10803-017-3350-7

  • A. Lodder, C. Papadopoulos, G. Randhawa (2020). "SOLACE: A Psychosocial Stigma Protection Intervention to Improve the Mental Health of Parents of Autistic Children—A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial". J Autism Dev Disord, 50(12). doi:10.1007/s10803-020-04498-0

  • C. Maurice (1998). "Let me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph Over Autism". London: Robert Hale.

  • H. McConachie, J. Parr, M. Glod, J. Hanratty, N. Livingstone, I. Oono, S. Robalino, G. Baird, B. Beresford, T. Charman, D. Garland, Jon. Green, P. Gringras, G. Jones, J. Law, A. Le Couteur, G. Macdonald, E. McColl, C. Morris, J. Rodgers, E. Simonoff, C. Terwee, K. Williams* (2015). "Systematic review of tools to measure outcomes for young children with autism spectrum disorder". Health Technology Assessment, 19(41). doi:10.3310/hta19410

  • A. McDonnell, D. Milton* (2014). "Going with the flow: reconsidering ‘repetitive behaviour’ through the concept of ‘flow states’". In "Good Autism Practice: Autism, Happiness and Wellbeing", eds. G. Jones, E. Hurley. Birmingham: BILD.

  • O. McGill, A. Robinson (2021). "'Recalling hidden harms': autistic experiences of childhood applied behavioural analysis (ABA)". AIA, 7(4). doi:10.1108/aia-04-2020-0025

  • R. McKenzie, R. Dallos, J. Stedmon, H. Hancocks, P. Jane Vickery, P. Ewings, A. Barton, T. Vassallo, C. Myhill (2019). "SAFE, a new therapeutic intervention for families of children with autism: study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial". BMJ Open, 9(5). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025006

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  • L. Mottron (2017). "Should we change targets and methods of early intervention in autism, in favor of a strengths-based education?". Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 26(7). doi:10.1007/s00787-017-0955-5

  • National Autistic Taskforce (2019). "An independent guide to quality care for autistic people". (Source)

  • S. Neumeier, L. Brown* (2020). "Torture in the Name of Treatment: The Mission to Stop the Shocks in the Age of Deinstitutionalization". Autistic Community and the Neurodiversity Movement. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-8437-0_14

  • M. Oliver (1990). "The Politics of Disablement".

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  • J. Parr, S. Brice, P. Welsh, B. Ingham, A. Le Couteur, G. Evans, A. Monaco, M. Freeston, J. Rodgers (2020). "Treating anxiety in autistic adults: study protocol for the Personalised Anxiety Treatment–Autism (PAT-A©) pilot randomised controlled feasibility trial". Trials, 21(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-020-4161-2

  • A. Pickles, A. Le Couteur, K. Leadbitter, E. Salomone, R. Cole-Fletcher, H. Tobin, I. Gammer, J. Lowry, G. Vamvakas, S. Byford, C. Aldred, V. Slonims, H. McConachie, P. Howlin, J. Parr, T. Charman, Jon. Green (2016). "Parent-mediated social communication therapy for young children with autism (PACT): long-term follow-up of a randomised controlled trial". The Lancet, 388(10059). doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(16)31229-6

  • A. Pickles, J. McCauley, L. Pepa, M. Huerta, C. Lord (2020). "The adult outcome of children referred for autism: typology and prediction from childhood". Child Psychology Psychiatry, 61(7). doi:10.1111/jcpp.13180

  • U. Provenzani, L. Fusar-Poli, N. Brondino, S. Damiani, M. Vercesi, N. Meyer, M. Rocchetti, P. Politi (2020). "What are we targeting when we treat autism spectrum disorder? A systematic review of 406 clinical trials". Autism, 24(2). doi:10.1177/1362361319854641

  • E. Randell, R. McNamara, S. Delport, M. Busse, R. Hastings, D. Gillespie, R. Williams-Thomas, L. Brookes-Howell, R. Romeo, J. Boadu, A. Ahuja, A. Marie McKigney, M. Knapp, K. Smith, J. Thornton, G. Warren (2019). "Sensory integration therapy versus usual care for sensory processing difficulties in autism spectrum disorder in children: study protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial". Trials, 20(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-019-3205-y

  • P. Burnham Riosa, V. Chan, A. Maughan, V. Stables, C. Albaum, J. Weiss (2017). "Remediating Deficits or Increasing Strengths in Autism Spectrum Disorder Research: a Content Analysis". Adv Neurodev Disord, 1(3). doi:10.1007/s41252-017-0027-3

  • A. Robertson, A. Stanfield, J. Watt, F. Barry, M. Day, M. Cormack, C. Melville (2018). "The experience and impact of anxiety in autistic adults: A thematic analysis". Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 46. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2017.11.006

  • J. Rodgers, R. Herrema, E. Honey, M. Freeston (2018). "Towards a Treatment for Intolerance of Uncertainty for Autistic Adults: A Single Case Experimental Design Study". J Autism Dev Disord, 48(8). doi:10.1007/s10803-018-3550-9

  • R. Rodogno, K. Krause-Jensen, R. Ashcroft (2016). "'Autism and the good life': a new approach to the study of well-being". J Med Ethics, 42(6). doi:10.1136/medethics-2016-103595

  • K. Runswick-Cole (2014). "'Us' and 'them': the limits and possibilities of a 'politics of neurodiversity' in neoliberal times". Disability & Society, 29(7). doi:10.1080/09687599.2014.910107

  • J. Sinclair* (1993). "Don't mourn for us". Autism Network International Newsletter: Our Voice. (Source)

  • J. Singer (1998). "Odd people in: The birth of community amongst people on the Autistic Spectrum: A personal exploration of a new social movement based on neurological diversity" [Doctoral thesis]. Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Technology, Sydney.

  • E. Späth, K. Jongsma (2020). "Autism, autonomy, and authenticity". Med Health Care and Philos, 23(1). doi:10.1007/s11019-019-09909-3

  • N. Stevenson (2015). "Autism Doesn't Have to be Viewed as a Disability or Disorder" [Blog post]. (Source)

  • UK Parliament (2020). "Autism: Postnote number 612". (Source)

  • R. Wood (2021). "Autism, intense interests and support in school: from wasted efforts to shared understandings". Educational Review, 73(1). doi:10.1080/00131911.2019.1566213

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